Gardening news from around the web

10 Made-in-the-Shade Ideas for Covered Outdoor Spaces

(BPT) - Homeowners across the country are going undercover. It seems no matter where you live, the growing popularity of covered outdoor spaces is evident in backyards from Buffalo to Bakersfield. …

Refresh your shade garden: Transform the outdoors with impatiens

(BPT) - Gardening enthusiasts, rejoice! The long-awaited moment has arrived — gardening season is officially here. As green thumbs eagerly prepare to embark on their outdoor endeavors, …

Lauren Bethke
Unusual fruits for your Minnesota garden
You probably know that many different fruits are commonly grown in Minnesota, like apples, raspberries, and grapes. But did you know we can also grow kiwis? Read on to learn about some unusual fruits …
Lauren Bethke
Slow mow summer
You’ve probably heard of “No Mow May” – a slogan designed to encourage everyone to avoid mowing their lawns until June and letting spring flowers bloom to support pollinators. …
Jon Trappe
Talking lawn care with U of M
People are getting back into our yards and gardens, with pent-up demand following a long winter. University of Minnesota Extension Educator Jon Trappe has tips for yards that accomplish multiple …
A rain barrel collects roof runoff so you can save the rainwater for later use. Reroute downspouts away from pavement and onto grass, a rain barrel or a rain garden. (Photo courtesy of the University of Minnesota Extension)
A watershed moment
What is a watershed? What is our local watershed called? Where does it begin and end?  What is the largest watershed in the U.S.? According to board chair of the League of …
Jill Carmody is a senior manager at the Habitat for Humanity’s Minneapolis ReStore. They are both a drop-off site for leftover paint products, and a retailer for the Amazon brand of recycled paint. Carmody said, “PaintCare has made it easy for people to recycle their left-over paint, which is the right thing to do for the environment.”
Recycle your left-over paint with PaintCare
Did you know there’s an option for recycling leftover paint in Minnesota? That’s right, recycling, not just disposing of leftover paint. Since 2014, the non-profit PaintCare has been …
Green goodness: 4 reasons to love homegrown produce
(BPT) - Are you one of the 185 million Americans who garden? If not, it’s time to consider joining the crowd. Gardening can be an incredibly rewarding hobby, especially if you grow your own …
Lifestyle news
New research reveals self-care savvy cities (and what we can learn from them)
Hers conducted a nationwide survey to see how Americans rate themselves in youthfulness, body positivity, emotional stability, and more.
Housing and food are health care: How new Medicaid rules in 8 states stand to help the most vulnerable
Foothold Technology analyzed resources from the CMS to see how states are addressing health-related social needs.
Across the country, Amish populations are on the rise
The Daily Yonder reports that as the Amish population in America grows, Amish communities — and their rural neighbors — are finding ways to adapt.
Republicans double down on school vouchers by taking fight to rural members of their own party
The Daily Yonder reports that for years, rural Republican state legislators have bucked the party's support for funneling public funds into private schools through education vouchers, but now Republican leaders are ramping up pressure on these holdouts.
How to stop catastrophizing
Rula shares tips for breaking the cycle of catastrophic thinking.