3rd Precinct building reuse


The city held an open house on June 10 at the Minneapolis American Indian Center at 1530 E Franklin Ave. to share a city proposal to use the former 3rd precinct police station building at 3000 Minnehaha. The proposal includes relocating the city’s Elections & Voter Services from the space they are now renting in northeast Minneapolis. The building that was damaged during civil unrest in 2020 has been vacant and fenced-in ever since. Several staff from various departments were there to answer questions and share information, including senior project manager Alexander Kado and City Operations Officer Margaret Anderson Kelliher.

The proposal includes building a new warehouse space to store election equipment. It would also house election staff and house an early voting center.

At the open house, the city was also gathering feedback on how to use the roughly 8,000 square feet of the space for a yet-to-be-defined community use or uses. The facility could open in 2026. People may provide input through an online survey on the city website at www.minneapolismn.gov/government/programs-initiatives/minnehaha-3000/.


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