Southwest mourns police officer

Jamal Mitchell shot and killed while responding to a shooting in Whittier

On May 30, 2024, Minneapolis police officer, Jamal Mitchell, 36, was shot and killed while responding to a double shooting in southwest Minneapolis, near 22nd St. and Blaisdell Ave. S. after 5:15 p.m. 
While rendering aid to an injured male (Mustafa Mohamed), the injured male pulled a gun and shot Officer Mitchell and continued to shoot him after he fell to the ground, according to the Minneapolis Police Department. Mohamed was shot and killed by two responding officers.
Osman Jimale and Mohamed Aden also died from gunshot wounds they received that day. Another officer, a bystander, and a firefighter, were injured.
Southwest city council members were quick to share concerns about the tragedy. 
Here is some of what they said through social media and email:  
“I reach out to you this morning with a heavy heart. As many of you now know, a tragic incident occurred yesterday evening here in south Minneapolis’ 5th Precinct,” said Ward 7 Council Member Katie Casman. “Jamal Mitchell was a hero and a public servant who ran towards danger when it was necessary, and I join his family and his colleagues in grieving his death... I join my colleagues and our entire city in mourning for Officer Mitchell, the other two community members lost, and their loved ones. We will honor his life and remember the sacrifice he made. Thank you for your attention and care for our community at this challenging time.” 
“Yesterday Minneapolis was dealt another body blow,” said Ward 8 Council Member Andrea Jenkins. “…The over saturation of guns in our communities is preposterous and the senseless violence must end. No one leaves for work in the morning thinking they won’t make it home that evening. Jamal should be getting his young child ready for school right now.  Public service and public safety professionals help to keep the rest of us safe, they deserve to be treated with that same level of dignity and respect. To the Mitchell family we stand with you, to the MPD we stand with you, to all the impacted families and friends we stand with you.” 
“Like many of you, Whittier is my home. Last night, three people tragically lost their lives to gun violence in our neighborhood at the W 22nd St. and Blaisdell Ave intersection. I’m heartbroken for their families and loved ones, who are first and most deeply impacted by this loss,” said Ward 10 Council Member Aisha Chughtai. “We all deserve safety in our homes and communities. We deserve to be treated with dignity and care when our safety is violated….  Our community experienced a significant trauma last night, and all of us will continue to feel the impact of what happened in the days and weeks to come.” 
“Earlier today, Minneapolis Police Officer Jamal Mitchell was shot and killed in the line of duty in response to a 911 call. He gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep our community safe. He is a hero who, by all accounts, was exactly the type of officer we need in our great city. I am heartbroken over this tragic loss,” said Ward 11 Council Member Emily Koski. “The shooting that claimed Officer Mitchell’s life, also claimed two Minneapolis residents. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends, and community of all the victims. We have a gun violence epidemic that will require concerted effort by all parties to address.”
“Our community mourns this loss and wraps our arms around those whose lives are forever changed by last night’s tragic events,” said Ward 13 Council Member Linea Palmisano. “And we owe these officers more than thoughts and prayers. We must all work to end gun violence in our community. Like Governor Walz said, we as a governing body have a responsibility to provide the resources and support necessary to do this job, and come home safely afterward. I am very committed to that and will continue to do so through my actions, my legislative efforts, and my votes on your behalf.” 
A public memorial service for Mitchell was held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at Maple Grove Senior High School, in Maple Grove. A processional after the service proceeded to the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, where Mitchell’s body was flown to his home state of Connecticut. 
Mitchell joined MPD in 2022. Shortly after, he was commended for running into a burning house next to Bde Maka Ska to rescue an elderly couple.
He was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor and a Purple Heart.
In a social media post, Mitchell’s fiancé, Tori Myslajek, said that her family is “completely devastated” by his death. 
“Jamal and I created a beautiful life in Minnesota, and he was deeply passionate about helping and serving the community of Minneapolis,” Myslajek said. “On behalf of our family and from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank our friends, neighbors, loved ones and the entire community for the continued support.” He was father to Koen, 20, Jalen, 9, Kaden, 7, and Macen, 4.


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